A course syllabus in CoursePlus is made up of individual sections of content. You can add any kind of section of content you want to your syllabus, but some sections are linked to the BSPH course system. Learn more about the different kinds of sections available in the syllabus.
When you click the + New Section button at the top of the Syllabus Builder page, you can either create a totally new, custom section, or use a pre-populated section of content.
How to Add a Section to Your Syllabus
- Click Syllabus Builder under Content Tools on the main faculty tools page.
- Click + New Section button at the top of the page.
- If you want to create a totally new, custom section, click + New Custom Section.
- If you want to use one of the pre-populated sections in the Syllabus Builder, click the button for that section in the list.
- If you are using one of the pre-populated sections in the Syllabus Builder, the following applies:
- The title is already provided but you can edit the title to fit your needs.
- Click the Show Example link if you need suggestions on what information should be provided for the section.
How to Edit A Section on Your Syllabus
- Click Syllabus Builder under Content Tools on the main faculty tools page.
- Click the pencil icon on the right side of the section you want to edit.
- Make your edits.
- Click Save.
Important: Editing a course system linked section requires that the changes get approved before the changes are visible to students. The changes will appear as drafts until they are approved your departmental academic coordinator or the Committee on Academic Standards the Academic Coordinator.
As it may take a few days for the changes to be approved, make sure that all changes are done before starting the approval process.
How to Delete a Section on Your Syllabus
- Click Syllabus Builder under Content Tools on the main faculty tools page.
- Click the trash can on the right side of the section you want to delete.
- A confirmation message will appear.
- Confirm deletion.
If you don't do anything or click the Ok button in the deletion confirmation window, the section will be removed. If you click the Undo button then the section will remain on the syllabus page.
Important: You cannot delete a number of BSPH course system-linked and default sections on a syllabus.