Once questions are created and added to a quiz, they can only be removed from a quiz via the Question Manager > Add/Remove/Edit Questions page. You can remove a question from a quiz and delete it completely from the Quiz Generator, or remove a question from a quiz but keep the question in the Question Bank for the class.
There are a few considerations before deciding to remove a question from a quiz:
- If a question is removed from a quiz before any students begin taking the quiz, this will cause no issues.
- If a question is removed from a quiz after any students have begun taking the quiz, it will not be removed from those students' quizzes even if it is removed while they are taking the quiz. The Quiz Generator tool does not update in real time in this way.
- If a question is removed from a quiz after some/all students have completed the quiz, the question will still remain on the response page of any student who received that question. In other words, CoursePlus does not change the questions in a student's question set once they start a quiz — even if that question has been deleted from the underlying quiz. The quiz must always display in the exact same way that the quiz was originally presented to the student.
In summary, if a quiz is still being worked on and has not yet opened to students, removing a question from a quiz causes no problems.
However, if any or all students begin taking a quiz containing the question you want to remove, removing the question may not be the best choice. Excluding the question from scoring is usually a much better approach, as it leads to less confusion. In fact, the only difference between removing a question and excluding it in this scenario is that a removed question will no longer appear under the Overview and Question Manager tabs. However, it will still appear on individual student response pages and marked as excluded from scoring.
How to Remove a Question from a Quiz
- Click Quiz Generator under Activities and Assignments on the main Faculty Tools page.
- Click the quiz title on the main Quiz Generator page.
- Click Question Manager in the main navigation bar at the top of the page.
- Click Add/Remove/Edit Questions.
- Scroll through the Add/Remove/Edit Questions view and click the checkbox next to the question you want to remove.
- You will also be asked if you want to remove the question from the Question Bank. Select the appropriate response.
- Click Update Quiz.
Note: If you are trying to remove a question from a quiz and students have already submitted to the quiz, all scores for all quizzes that included that question are immediately recalculated. Depending on the size of the class, this may take some time.
Tip: You can search for text in a question or by question tag in the Search by Question Text or Tag box at the top of this page.