While each type of question available in the Quiz Generator is different, there are many options that apply to all types. Those options are explained below, and it's noted when an option is specific to a particular type of question.
Can Choose Any Answer / Must Select All Correct Answers
In multiple choice questions marked with more than one answer as correct, you are able to specify if students Can Choose Any correct answer to get credit for that question. This means that students will only be able to select one answer choice, but as long as their selection is one of the options marked correct, they will receive credit for the question.
Alternatively, you can specify that students Must Select All correct answers to receive credit. If Must Select All is chosen, students are not limited to the number of options they choose. The question's setup provides an additional option to allow partial credit for correct answers. If Allow Partial Credit is chosen, another prompt asks if each incorrect answer should result in a point deduction for that question. If Full/No Credit Only is chosen, then a student must select only the choices marked as correct to receive credit.
Note: At least two answers must be marked as correct before the above options will appear.
Partial Credit / Full Credit Only
In match from two lists and combo questions, you are able to allow partial credit for correct answers. If Allow Partial Credit is chosen, another prompt asks if each incorrect answer should result in a point deduction for that question. If Full/No Credit Only is chosen, then a student must select only the correct answers to receive credit.
Allow students to provide an explanation
If you want students to elaborate on why they chose a specific answer, select this option. This option does not apply to essay questions.
Exclude question from scoring
There may be times when a question needs to be excluded from scoring. For example: students have reported that a question in an open quiz is a "bad question," and you agree. You may not want this question included in students' final score for this quiz. You can exclude it from scoring, even if some, but not all, students have taken that quiz already.
Mark question as extra credit
You may want to mark a question in a quiz as being for extra credit. For example: there is a certain topic that was only covered in a reading for the course, and you want to reward students who read it without reducing the scores of others. You can mark the question as extra credit, even if some, but not all, students have taken that quiz already.
Provide a hint
You may want to provide additional information to help students answer questions correctly. For example, you can provide a reference to a reading material. This may be useful in an open book quiz. If you enable this option, a link will appear right below the question for students to view the hint.
Provide an explanation for the correct answer
If you would like to explain why a specific answer to a question is correct, you can provide an explanation for the answer. Students will see the explanation if you choose to display the answers to a question in the on-screen results, email results, or the answer key. These display options are available in the quiz setup.
Grading guidance
On essay and fill-in-the-blank questions, you can provide a rubric or other grading guidance to be followed by the graders during the grading process. Students never see this grading guidance.
Add Tags
Tags are single words you add to a question that help you organize and more quickly find specific questions in your Question Bank. To add a tag to a question, simply type a word into the tags box. Spaces delineate individual tags. Tags are also required on questions if you want to include those questions in tag rule-based quizzes.
Add an attachment
You have the option to add a file that is relevant to the question that students can use to answer the question. You can also provide a description of what the file represents, and students will see that description as the link to the file while taking a quiz. Files open in a new tab or window when opened by students during a quiz.