The Quiz Generator supports a number of question types to help provide flexibility in your student assessments. All of these question types are available to all quizzes except for In-Lecture Quizzes (ILQs), which do not support essay and fill-in-the-blank questions and question blocks.
The Quiz Generator will automatically grade all question types except for essay and fill-in-the-blank questions. Those questions must be manually graded.
Available Question Types
Multiple Choice — A multiple choice question can have up to eight answers. More than one answer can be marked as being correct, but at least one answer must be marked as being correct. You can require that students choose all correct answers to get credit, or award partial credit. Answers can include rich formatting — including the use of LaTeX in the answer.
True/False — The true and false options are already provided for you. Simply type your question and select either true or false as the correct answer.
Match from Two Lists — A match from two lists question can have up to eight matching question-answer pairs, and up to four additional choices that do not match anything at all. You can require that students make all of the correct matches to get credit, or award partial credit for correct matches.
Fill-in-the-Blank — You will need to enter the text that needs to appear before and after the correct answer and then enter the correct answer. For example, "I pledge _____ to the flag." Enter "I pledge" in the before field and "to the flag" in the after field. You would then enter "allegiance" in the correct answer field. This type of question must be manually graded, and you can award partial credit during the manual grading process. You can provide a rubric or other grading guidance to be followed by the graders during the grading process.
Combo — Allows single answers to match multiple questions, matching in the middle of a paragraph, or a table. The combo question type allows you to enter answers — some of which don't have to match anything at all — and then specify in the rich text editor multiple places where student must select a correct answer from the provided options. You can require that students choose all correct answers to get credit, or award partial credit.
Numeric Value — Numeric value questions allow you to specify a single numeric answer to a question which students much match exactly to get the question scored correctly. You can also provide a range of values within which the student answer can fall and still get the question scored as being correct. Negative values and decimal values are supported.
Essay Question — Provide an open-ended question for students to answer via the rich text editor. You can provide a template for students to use in composing their answer. This type of question must be manually graded. You can provide a rubric or other grading guidance to be followed by the graders during the grading process.
Non-Question Text Block — While not a question that students must answer, the non-question text block is a placeholder in your quiz where you can insert a section of text. You may want to insert a table or figure, or provide contextual details for a series of questions. The non-question text block allows you to do this.
Question Block — A question block is a group of questions that will always appear together in a quiz. Question blocks are useful if the questions have related content or a common reference, such as a related table connected to all questions in the block. Question blocks can only be created from the Question Bank.