The Portfolio tool is centered around competencies. Students are expected to self-rate on the competencies your program expects them to achieve throughout their time in the program. Competencies can be organized into groups that you define, or there can be only one group of competencies students are expected to achieve in your program.
How to Create Program Competencies
- From the CoursePlus home page, click My Portfolio on the left side navigation pane.
- Under Admin, click Program.
- Select the Portfolio you want to add a cohort to from the dropdown menu.
- Under Manage on the right side pane, click Competencies.
- Click Add Competency Set.
- Give the set a name.
- Click Create Group in the Available Competency Groups box.
- Give the competency group a name.
- For each competency, enter the text and then click Add.
- Click Save Competency Group. This will add it to the Available Competency Groups for the Portfolio.
- Click the + icon for the group you want to add to competency set.
- Repeat steps 7-11 for any other competency groups you wish to add.
- Click Save Competency Set.