You can enter grades either by item, by student, or by course group. The grading method is displayed for each graded item as you enter grades. Below is a guide of what to expect for each type of grading method:
The maximum value that can be entered is 100.
You will enter the points the student earned. The maximum possible points for the item is displayed in the Grade column heading.
Only whole letter grades can be entered. For example, you can enter A, B, etc. but not A+, B-.
You can enter P or F (not case sensitive) as a grade. However, you also have the option to enter a numeric grade. Entering a numeric value allows the grade to be easily converted if you decide to switch from pass/fail to a different grading method or to a points-based Gradebook.
You are given a dropdown list to choose from. The first option on the list will be shown. Make sure to make a selection so that you get a green check mark to confirm that the grade has been recorded.
Note: Grades linked to a quiz, Discussion Forum category, Peer Assessment, and PathFinder simulation are automatically pulled into the Gradebook. This process is not instantaneous and performed via a scheduled task. It may take up to an hour for grades to import during busy period (ie; the end of the academic term). In the case of Peer Assessments, grades are only pulled into the Gradebook after the Peer Assessment period ends.