The following icons are used within the Enter Grades view:
- Display Grades — Selecting the Display Grades checkbox indicates that the grades for all students should be displayed. Students' personal Gradebooks will reflect all grades that have been marked for display.
vs. - Grades Are Displayed to Students — Grades that are marked for display to students will be indicated by the display grade icon.
- Grades Are Not Displayed to Students — Grades that are not marked for display to students will be indicated by the not displayed grade icon.
- History — The history icon allows you to see the grading history for each student and item. This history includes whether the score is imported from another CoursePlus tool such as the Quiz Generator or Discussion Forum. The history of a graded item also indicates when feedback was entered and by whom, and if feedback has been sent to the student and when.
- Item Has Been Sent — The item has been sent icon indicates feedback was sent to the student. Please note that when you send feedback to a student, the checkbox that enables seeing the grade in their personal Gradebook is automatically selected.
- Item Needs to Be Sent — The item needs to sent icon indicates feedback needs to be sent to the student.
- Edit Comment — Individual text feedback for a student is indicated next to the student's name.
- Replace feedback file — When individual file feedback is uploaded for a student, this will be indicated beside the student's name. Please note: If a zip file is uploaded, this icon will also show for each student with whom a feedback file was matched.
- Delete — Grades or feedback can be deleted by clicking the trash can icon beside the item you want to delete.