Grades can be entered in the Gradebook by graded item, by student, or by group.
These topics cover entering individual student grades in more detail:
Note: Grades linked to a quiz, Discussion Forum category, Peer Assessment, and PathFinder simulation are automatically pulled into the Gradebook. This process is not instantaneous and performed via a scheduled task. It may take up to an hour for grades to import during busy period (ie; the end of the academic term). In the case of Peer Assessments, grades are only pulled into the Gradebook after the Peer Assessment period ends.
How to Enter Grades by Item
- Click Enter Grades on any page in the Gradebook.
- Click the By Item tab.
- Click the name of the desired graded item.
- Enter each student's grade in the corresponding Grade column on that page.
How to Enter Grades by Student
- Click Enter Grades on any page in the Gradebook.
- Click the By Student tab.
- Click the name of the desired student.
- Enter grades in the Grade column of the respective item on that page.
How to Enter Grades by Group
If Course Groups are set up, you can enter grades for the group rather than for each individual student in the group. A grade assigned to group is automatically assigned to each member of the group. Once the grade and/or feedback is provided in the group section, it will also appear in the Enter Grades by Item and Enter Grades by Student pages for those specific group members.
- Click Enter Grades on any page in the Gradebook.
- Click the By Group tab.
- Select the group you want to grade.
- All assignments will be listed for each group. Enter the grade that you want to give to all members of a group in the Grade column for the respective group.
Note: If a group grade is entered for one or more group members in one of the other Enter Grades views, it can be overwritten by entering the grade in the Enter Grades by Group section. Whatever grade is entered last will be the grade for that assignment.