To view all the files that have been submitted to a Drop Box:
- Go to the main Course Drop Box page.
- Click the View Submissions button (inbox icon) in the row of the desired assignment.
Assignment submissions are organized by the assignment part for which they are submitted. For each file submission, you can see the:
- Name of the student
- Submission date/time (Assignments submitted after the due date/time are listed in red.)
- Submission history
- File type and size
- Most recent date and time faculty or TA downloaded the file
- Name of the person who downloaded the file
Students who have not submitted a file to a Drop Box are listed below the list of submissions.
Display of Group Submissions
If a file is a group submission by one member of a group, it will show which group member submitted the file. For example, a group has two members: Corey and Betty. Corey submitted a group assignment. The View Submissions page shows that Corey submitted the assignment for himself and on Betty's behalf.
If the Download button is clicked for any student in a group, it will show the same assignment for each member of the group. If a ZIP file of all submissions to the Drop Box is created, there will only be one file in the ZIP file for all students in a group.