CoursePlus makes individual sites available in two ways:
- Fully Online Courses: The site becomes available to students on the first day of the term in which the course is offered. This can be adjusted by contacting your course instructional designer.
- All Other Courses: The site becomes available when someone from the instructional team makes the site available to students. Students will not be able to access any course material while the site is not available to them.
On-Campus, Blended, and Non-Fully Online Courses
Students will not be able to access any course material until you make the site available to them. You may want to keep a site unavailable while you set up the site prior to the start of the term. You can continue to make changes to the site once it is available to students.
How to Make a Site Available to Students
- Click the Faculty Tools link at the top left of any course page.
- Click the Make available button in the top right of the main Faculty Tools page.
How to Make a Site Unavailable to Students
- Click the Faculty Tools link at the top left of any course page.
- Click the Make unavailable button in the top right of the main Faculty Tools page.
Tip: If your course site is not available when the class begins, you may want to send the students an email to inform them of when the site will become available. You can use the Class Email tool to do this.