Once you've built out the objects/decision points in your simulation, you'll have a bunch of discrete objects, but there won't be any flow between them. You need to add paths (or exits) from one object to the next in your simulation. By linking objects together, you build out a decision tree through which students can work.
In order to move through the simulation, paths must exist to guide the student through the simulation. The image below shows the paths as black arrow lines circled in red for the sample simulation. The arrow on each black line shows the direction that the student will move as they go from one object to the next.
You can see in the above image that the "Starting object" (1), has paths (exits) to both "Decision object" (2) and "New object" (4).
An object with no paths will show as an error on the workspace of the PathFinder and prevent movement through the simulation.
How to Create Paths (Exits) Between Objects
- Click PathFinder under Activities and Assignments on the main Faculty Tools page.
From the main PathFinder page, click Edit next to the simulation you want to work on.
- Click Edit Paths in the form that appears.
Hover your cursor over the hamburger icon for an object.
Drag the mouse to the hamburger icon you wish to connect.
A black arrow line connects the two objects to indicate the path.
How to Remove Paths Between Objects
Place your cursor on top of the the black arrow line you wish to remove.
Click the arrow until the arrow line becomes dotted.
Click the Delete button on your keyboard.
Remember: Creating a simulation in PathFinder occurs in the following steps:
- Add a New Simulation
- Add Decision Points to a Simulation
- Create Paths (links) Between Decision Points in a Simulation (this step)