The survey tool provides a number of options that you can select during or after the creation of a survey.
Survey Setup Options
Is this a template survey? — Choose this option to create a template survey that you can copy over and over again to make new surveys for students to take. You might want to use template surveys for in-class session evaluations or multiple group evaluations throughout a term. If you select No, you will be creating a single-use survey that cannot be copied again and again in the same course.
Copy from a template — You can select one of a number of template surveys available throughout CoursePlus, or use templates that you have created yourself.
Associate with event in course schedule (courses using Schedule Builder only) — Select an event from the course schedule to link this survey to.
Link this survey to the following class session(s) (courses using the Class Sessions tool only) — If you want students to access this survey by clicking a link from a class session, select the session(s) here.
Link this survey to the following Page Builder page(s) — Select a Page Builder page where you want a link to this survey to appear.
On the student view, call this a (survey, evaluation, etc) — Type in the word that should be used to describe this particular survey instrument.
Title of survey — This is the title that is displayed to both you and students.
This survey is required before users can access course content — This option allows you to set a survey as mandatory for students to take before accessing the course material. If you set a survey as required, the next time students access the course, they will not be able to continue into the Content section of the course website until the take the survey. This can be set up for the start of a class or at any time during the term.
Open/Close Dates — Select these if you want a survey to be accessible to students only during a set time period.
This survey is anonymous — All survey results are displayed in aggregate. If you select No, the names of all the respondents will be available in the Excel version of the results. Students also receive a warning message letting them know that you will be able to see their name along with their responses.
Instruction text for this survey — Use the rich text editor to type the instructions you want to give the students for the survey.