Category-Level Options
Options selected at the category level cascade down to all topics within each category. For example, if you decide to allow students to view posts in all topics only after they've posted their own messages, this rule will be in effect for every topic that is listed under that category. Any options that are selected are displayed for each category on the Admin page and Discussion Forum Home page using symbols and/or words. For a detailed description of the options and their symbols view Category Options.
Overriding Options at the Topic Level
Although configuration settings are set at the category level on the Admin page, you can also customize option settings for individual topics. You're able to see which options are currently selected at the category and topic levels below each topic title and each setting is separated by a vertical line (|). If you decide to make changes at the topic level to any options that have been set at the category level on the Admin page, the option will appear with an asterisk (*) to the left of the option below the title. For example, if you decide to set a topic to limit editing and deleting posts within 15 minutes but this option is not set at the category level. The setting will appear as:
For instructions on how to select topic-level options view Topic Options.
Reset Options to Be the Same as the Category-Level Options
After changing options at the topic level, you may decide that you need to revert all the topic option settings back to the category level options so that they are all the same. When you view the category options after making changes at the topic level, you will see a message that states: there are topics in the category that has overridden default category settings. If you would like to reset all topic settings to the same options, follow the steps below:
- Click the Admin link from the right pane menu.
- Click the Edit link to the left of the category title.
- Click the Override these topic settings check box.
- Make any changes to the status and other settings (if necessary).
- Click Update Category.
Note: If the Override option is not selected and you make changes at the category level, the changes will be applied along with any existing topic level options. For example, you selected the option to only allow students to edit/delete posts within 15 minutes after creating them for one topic. Then you decide that you would like posts hidden from students until they post their own message at the category level which will cascade down to all the topics. All the topics will now be set to hide posts until students post their first message, but one of the topics will also be set to only allow students to edit/delete posts within 15 minutes. That option has not been overridden because the Override option wasn't selected at the category level.