After creating faculty groups and creating the biographies for individuals, you need to add the individual to a faculty group. Only then will their information appear on the public faculty page.
The listing of individuals in faculty groups is updated in real time. You can click Preview Faculty Page at any time to see how your changes look to the public.
How to Add an Individual to a Faculty Group
- Click Page Builder on the main Faculty Tools page.
- Click the Faculty tab at the top of the page.
- Click Manage Faculty & Groups.
- On the right side of the page, locate the Available Faculty Members section.
- Click on the name of the person you'd like to add to a group.
- To add this person to a group, select the appropriate group from the Insert dropdown menu.
- The person is immediately added to the selected faculty group.
How to Change Faculty Group Membership
You can change the group a faculty member belongs in by removing them from a group and adding them to the correct group.
- Click Page Builder on the main Faculty Tools page.
- Click the Faculty tab at the top of the page.
- Click Manage Faculty & Groups.
- Locate the group in which the person currently resides in the Manage Faculty Groups section.
- Click on the name of the person you'd like to remove from this group.
- Click Remove.
- The person is immediately removed from the selected faculty group. Their name now appears in the Available Faculty Members section on the right side of the page.
- Click on the name of the person you'd like to add to a different group.
- Select the appropriate group from the Insert dropdown menu.
- The person is immediately added to the new faculty group.
How to Remove an Individual from a Faculty Group
- Click Page Builder on the main Faculty Tools page.
- Click the Faculty tab at the top of the page.
- Click Manage Faculty & Groups.
- Locate the group in which the person currently resides in the Manage Faculty Groups section.
- Click on the name of the person you'd like to remove from this group.
- Click Remove.
- The person is immediately removed from the selected faculty group. Their name now appears in the Available Faculty Members section on the right side of the page.