A good way to get a general sense of distinct themes coming out of wordy student responses is to make a word cloud. Poll Everywhere allows you to use Wordle, Tagxedo, and Tagul, all of which will let you display an image of words that were submitted, the most common of which will stand out as the largest. It is an easy, visual, way to get a quick sense of the major themes of student responses. Click on “Word Cloud” under “Views” on the right-hand side your poll. You will be prompted to click on the link to a word cloud website, Wordle, for example. Poll Everywhere will have all the words listed in box 1. Highlight all the words by double clicking, or press ‘command + a’ and copy the words. Then click on the word cloud service you would like to use. Paste the text into the box and press ‘Go’. Your word cloud will be created, and you can then adjust the settings so that the colors and layout are how you like them.