Once an assessment is open and individual student assignments are created, you can see a Peer Assessment just as a student would see it. This allows you to see the individual assessments and, if the option is enabled, the names of the students that the desired student is assessing.
How to See the Student View of Assessment Assignments
- Wait until the Peer Assessment is open and available to students. This functionality does not work before that time.
- Click Peer Assessments under Activities and Assignments on the main Faculty Tools page.
- On the main Peer Assessment page, click the title of the assessment you want to see the student view of.
- Under the Student View column, click the arrow icon for the student view you want to see.
- The view will switch to show what the selected student sees when they access that Peer Assessment.
Note: Each Peer Assessment exists on a separate page. This means you need to link to each individual Peer Assessment from the schedule and/or Page Builder page for students to have access to them. To view how a specific Peer Assessment page looks to a student, you will have to navigate to that Peer Assessment and then follow the instructions above.