CoursePlus Guide
Frequently Asked Questions
- Why can't I access the certificate for my training course?
- I cannot access my course. I see "Site Unavailable" when looking at the My Courses list.
- I was told that I need to clear my web browser's cache. How do I do that?
- I was able to log into CoursePlus previously, but now I get an error when I try to login via JHED.
- I registered for a class and it's not showing up in CoursePlus. The Registrar shows that I’m enrolled in the class. Why isn't it there?
- During my quiz/exam/final, I ran into issues submitting my final answers. What do I do now?
Quick Links:
- JHED Support: (410) 955-HELP or try the online password reset
- Retrieve Your CoursePlus Password
- Update Your CoursePlus Account
- Computing Requirements for CoursePlus
- CTL Teaching Toolkit
- BSPH Information Systems Help
Visit the CTL Blog for updates on CoursePlus tools and news related to online education.
Follow @courseplus on Twitter for the latest bugs and known problems with CoursePlus.